Silicon Interposer Extraction Using Ansys RaptorX

Silicon Interposer Extraction Using Ansys RaptorX

3D-IC Multiphysics & Thermal Integrity


Silicon interposers are an important technology to increase the functionality of electronics while reducing the power consumed and size required. Electromagnetic modeling of silicon interposers is required to achieve this reduction. The Ansys RaptorX solver is perfect for modeling silicon interposers. This presentation will demonstrate the capabilities RaptorX has which make it well suited for extracting silicon interposers. Those capabilities are capacity, speed, accuracy, the ability to model through silicon vias (TSVs), and the ability to model deep trench capacitors (DTCs). These capabilities are demonstrated by extracting an interposer with signal nets, ground nets, power nets, TSVs, and DTCs. The extraction results are shown and discussed.

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