Unlocking the Potential of Simulation: Smart Processing and easy, rich, interactive Web Visualization of Simulation Results

Unlocking the Potential of Simulation: Smart Processing and easy, rich, interactive Web Visualization of Simulation Results

Simulation Process & Data Management
On Demand Content


The pressure on organizations today to do more simulation than ever before is increasing dramatically. There is a Drastic Reduction in Product Development Time! By contrast, the number of resources that companies have dedicated to CAE analysis has not kept up with the increase in demand. Due to the time and cost pressures of today’s competitive environment these organizations have moved or are moving to less physical testing and a greater emphasis on digital testing. This means that, simulation is no longer just for figuring out why components break; it must now be the basis for all decision-making. Easy and instant access to key simulation results throughout the development process and for all users who benefit from digital test results is critical for making timely design decisions.

To address this increased simulation demand, VCollab offers a new class of tools as shown below.

1. Full 3D, WEB-based, interactive access, viewing & reviewing of key simulation results & insights, allowing analysts, engineers, chief engineers, and requirements engineers to examine, discuss, and gain insight for faster design decisions.

2. Smart tools to extract highly reduced results files that maintain the key simulation data without the large files sizes associated with the native CAE results increase collaboration and sharing. And creating a neutral file format for these compact files unites simulation information across multi physics disciplines

3. Smart tools to quickly extract valuable insights from native simulation results (such as hotspots or areas of concern from across domains, physics, and solvers) and their instantaneous (dynamic, 3D, and real-time) communication with all stakeholders.

Together, these capabilities enable users to fully experience the benefits of simulation by allowing them to quickly understand and analyze simulation data, as well as make faster and more informed design decisions with the highest confidence and quality. This will pave the way for effective communication and collaboration among the engineering teams. This also allows for increased productivity, the effectiveness of CAE resources, and maximizing the utilization of simulation results.

These new class of tools and technologies from VCollab are at the heart of digital transformation of the process of simulation. These VCollab tools are well integrated and accessible in the ANSYS Minerva environment, allowing for a smart WEB-based simulation results visualization and review solution. During this presentation, we will discuss how these capabilities can assist product development teams in moving from native analysis results to high-quality design decisions 90% more quickly, and how they can increase speed, efficiency, and accuracy in simulation-led decision making.

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